Tuesday, October 4, 2011


This is a QR code for the local Naturopath
I have heard about QR codes through blogs, but I did not understand them. A QR code or a quick response code is a two-dimensional bar code that can be read through mobile phones.  The information is decoded in a box with black and white patterns when scanned by QR code decoding software to fire up a browser. The computer decodes large amounts of information at a high speed.  Google API will also generate QR codes, but they are limited in the size of the printout. The website qrstuff.com allows you to generate 1843 symbols onto a square box to be printed, put on t-shirts, temporary skin tattoos, coffee mugs, and much more.
QR codes can be transferred with one click without worrying about spelling issues or a lack of memory. The QR codes can instantly add email addresses, contact information, web page addresses, quotes, and much more to your mobile phone. They are perfect for advertising in an artsy way, while relaying and organizing data. Companies are putting them on campaign posters; students can use them for mock trials, mock elections, and presentations.
QR codes could be used for the supplies in the classroom, especially materials that you would like to send home for homework.  I will start using QR codes to organize where my sensory equipment is going to ensure that I am able to retrieve the equipment again.  I am sure, just like Japan, Europe, and Australia we will begin to see codes on most posters in the United States for one click access. 
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.  Please feel free to share what you think!  


  1. I still have a lot to learn too about QR codes. I've yet to use one, but I want to get started and use them to the fullest. Thank you for doing the research and for providing the necessary information that will help me to get started. The idea of using it as a mock election was my favorite specially for next year's election coming. Also, I wonder if you can input students grades and have them scan their own QR code so that they can check their grades as they go home.

  2. Thank you for educating me on QR codes as until this blog post I have never heard the term. It is interesting to see the multitude of uses for them and how they can be integrated into our lives. Now that I am aware of them I am sure I will see them more readily. Excellent post.
