Friday, October 14, 2011

PE 4- Google Docs

I am choosing to work with Google Docs as a mini action research project.  I am watching Google Docs Essential Training to learn more about the process of using this web 2.0. There are collaboration tools for documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawing, and forms.   The forms have surveys that can import directly into a spreadsheet, which is the application I plan to use the most.

Google Docs can organize into folders, creation times, and variable search options with preview that help finding what you are looking for once your docs get busy.  If you want to search for a phrase put the phrase in “quotation marks.” You can also create collections for various projects. 

You can convert documents to and from Microsoft office, but I am going to put together a survey.  I found out that once you are finished writing your survey, it automatically converts the questions into a worksheet for you.  I recommend putting a theme on your survey to make the process visually interesting.

The challenge with distributing the survey is that my school email will not allow the multiple addresses.  The technical advisor in my school offered to post it on the intranet for me, but this limits how I will be able to address different schools within New Hampshire. 

I have completed the video and spent most of the day paving the way for my surveys with my administrators.  There was a great discussion with the technology person in my school about the complications there are with syncing items. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Ever since I had to use Google docs, I love the survey tool. I do have to admit that adding a theme was a much needed visual stimulant. I have also used the google docs for general assessment. It is an easy way for me to grade all my students without having to look at individual files - all the closing and opening of files can get tedious and time consuming.

    I wasn't too in need of yet another organizer, but I like the availability of documents from anywhere without having to carry flash drives or even a computer (so long as I am at a location with Internet access).

    Thanks for the input :0)
