Friday, September 30, 2011

BP2 iGoogle PLE

Screenshots above taken from

This is a reflection about setting up my personal learning experience (PLE).  Setting up a PLE is much like shopping.  The process takes time, some research, and lots of screening for choices. Once this is done you have quite a product. 

My advanced PLE is now a one stop visual shop for my projects.  The click and go experience of a PLE is satisfying like having dinner waiting after a workday.  I would suggest you try to put your own PLE together so that there is no concern that you can manage all of this technology that is multiplying by the minute in a comprehensive, easily manageable PLE.

You can see three screen shots of my PLE above.  I have several screen shots of my iGoogle webpages.  I can “program” my web page to keep the information that I think is important for me.  The Internet program can do a lot of amazing applications, but the primary goal for my PLE is to help me organize all of the data that I am collecting using gadgets and tabs. 

People in my book club have resisted technology because they report feeling overwhelmed by all of the data coming in.  Without the organization of this data, I can empathize with the lack of wonder and progress that technology represents.

Some adults have a difficult time adapting to new ideas. Children lack the discipline and knowledge to adapt appropriately to the changing times.  As teachers we are required to prepare children to utilize the social media, web 1.0 and web 2.0 applications within our current fluid world.    

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