MAC: Week 3 Blog 1

MAC week 3 blog 1 reading: The Art of Possibility by Benjamin Zander and Rosamund Stone Zander
“Don’t should’ve all over yourself!” ~Dr. I. Gerald Olarsch
Used with permission from: 
I love that idea that our job is to awaken possibility in other people.  When you read his book, they seem to be only words.  This book reads like an instruction manual on how to lead what we label an enlightened life of leadership, but when you see him talk at Davos or at TED about his compelling vision you understand a bit more about what is in his heart. 

I have not practiced the “best” ever experience in awhile, and I really need to.  I thought perhaps that this was a very Okinawan concept, to experience your sensations as the best ever experience, and then perhaps it is also an after a hike experience.

I love the clever nature and childhood spirit of the quote, “Angels can fly there because, as you may have heard, they take themselves lightly.”  I find reading this book delightful as you can tell he is getting all of this understanding and he is energized as he is writing the book.  Living this way is so simple.               

1 comment:

  1. great reflection on the reading... So, I guess it's important that we learn to "lighten up" and enjoy the ride.
